John Price
Old Light on New Worship: Musical Instruments and the Worship of God, a Theological, Historical and Psychological Study Hardcover (USED)
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Old Light on New Worship: Musical Instruments and the Worship of God
by John Price with a Forword by Edward Donnelly
A theological, historical and psychological study of the place of musical instuments in the worship of God.
by John Price with a Forword by Edward Donnelly
A theological, historical and psychological study of the place of musical instuments in the worship of God.
"I enthusiastically recommend this book on congregational worship. It is a great relief to have access to a scholarly modern examination of the question, 'What musical instruments are and which are not permissible in the public worship of God?' For clarity and fulness of treatment, yet at the same time for courtesy and pastoral wisdom, this short study on an aspect of the regulative principle is first-class. I highly recommend it to church members as well as to ministers of the gospel."-Maurice Roberts
Published: 2005
Publisher: Simpson Publishing Company